Sponsors Needed!

Sponsors are OA members who are living the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to
the best of their ability. They are willing to share their recovery with other members of
the Fellowship and are committed to abstinence.

We ask a sponsor to help us through our program of recovery on all three levels:
Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. By working with other members of OA and
sharing their experience, strength and hope, sponsors continually renew and
reaffirm their own recovery.

If you are willing to be a sponsor, please send the information listed below in one of the following ways:
*by email to 12th-stepwithin@oamilwaukee.org, or
*by posting at Overeaters Anonymous – Eastern Wisconsin (OA-MAI) on Facebook, or
*by phone, to the OA information line at (414) 259-0640 (please leave your name and number to receive a call back from the 12-th step within committee.

Please include the following information:

First name and last initial
Your gender
Phone number, indicate text/no text
Your email
The best time for contacting
Type of sponsor: Food __Step __Maintenance __Temporary__
Willing to sponsor outside of MAI geographic boundaries? ___
Write a brief description of your experience in OA:

More information about sponsorship may be found at OA.org, as follows: https://oa.org/working-the-program/sponsorship/

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